Cigar is a traditional tobacco product with a long history and cultural background.
Here are some historical highlights about cigars:
Origin: Cigars originated in Central America and the Caribbean in the 15th century, created by indigenous Indians. They rolled up tobacco leaves and smoked them, which became the prototype of cigars.
Introduction to Europe: Columbus's voyages introduced tobacco to Europe. In the late 16th century, cigars became popular in Europe, especially in Spain and Portugal.
Cuban cigars: Cuba's climate and soil conditions are very suitable for tobacco growth, making Cuban cigars famous. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Cuban cigars became one of the most popular and top cigar brands in the world.
Cigar Culture: Cigars are seen as a luxurious indulgence and are often associated with taste, social interaction and relaxation. Many people enjoy cigars for special occasions, celebrations, or as a way to relax and unwind.
Production process: High-quality cigar production requires experienced tobacco makers, who will roll high-quality tobacco leaves into cigars according to specific processes. This process involves the fermentation, sorting and packaging of tobacco.
Different Types of Cigars: Cigars are classified into different types based on their length, diameter and appearance. Common types include Robusta, Partagas, Excellence and Dame, among others.
While cigars have faced some challenges over the past few decades, such as anti-smoking regulations and health concerns, they remain a unique and popular tobacco product that is enjoyed by many.
Cigar lighter types
There are many types of cigar lighters, each with its own characteristics and applicable scenarios. Here are a few common types of cigar lighters:
Wheel lighter: This is the most common type of cigar lighter and includes single and double wheel lighters. They create sparks through the friction of a rotating metal wheel, igniting the fuel. These lighters usually have adjustable flame size and are relatively durable.
Jet lighter: This lighter uses a high-pressure jet of air to light the cigar. It produces a powerful blue flame that can light the cigar in different circumstances. Jet lighters typically have adjustable flame size and refillable fuel tanks.
Gas lighter: This lighter uses compressed gas, such as butane or propane, to light the cigar. They often have unique designs and shapes, as well as adjustable flame size.
ZIPPO Lighters: Zippo is a well-known metal lighter brand known for its classic design and reliability. They were ignited using flint and sparks, and the fuel was light oil. Although Zippo lighters are not specifically designed for cigars, some people still like to use them to light their cigars.
Matches: Although using a lighter is more convenient, some cigar lovers still prefer to use traditional matches to light their cigars. Matches can provide a unique flame and flavor.
No matter which type of lighter you use, you need to take care to stay safe and make sure you light your cigar correctly for the best smoking experience.